Thursday, January 25, 2024


This Gleaner story of January 18, 2024, under the headline; Football dream fading, Second denial of US visa puts Munro graduate’s scholarship goal in jeopardy,"  only caught my attention because it involved my ‘brother’ school.  ”

I am surprised how little comment this story has elicited though, since it depicts so vividly, the popular experience with bureaucracies can cause, summed up thus;  He /she who plays by the rules get, shafted.”

According to the report; The dream of 20-year-old Munro College graduate Oral Thompson to pursue football internationally appears to be fading after his efforts to pick up a university scholarship in the United States were halted with his second denial of a student visa four months apart. Thompson, who has been offered a partial scholarship to attend the University of Northwestern Ohio, has until the second week in March to settle and begin classes at the private institution in Lima, Ohio. Football dream fading."

Most of us appreciate that America is a country of immigrants, (the only non-immigrants being the Native Americans) so most residents there are not intolerant of others trying to gain better opportunities by traveling to that country.

However, the Republican Party tends to be outrightly anti-immigrant and their current leader never fails to denigrate us, to the point of saying immigrants contaminate their blood.

On the other hand, the current policy being pursued by the Democratic Party is one that encourages chaos and illegality.

Over the years, I have heard tragic stories about families being torn apart for years and sometimes even decades, because of the difficulty, the exasperating legal process and the long time it takes to obtain legal visas, whether to migrate or even just visit.

I am sure this tiresome experience has not just frustrated Jamaicans over the decades, but indeed people from all over the world, who are trying to get to the USA.

Now, under the present Biden administration however, all you have to be able to do is learn to climb a wall or squeeze through barbed wire, to enter the USA.

Don’t waste your time trying to enter through the legal process, as young Thompson is now learning!

To make it even better for those who favor illegality over going through legal processes, they can get numerous benefits that not even those who were born there are able to!

For example, California is giving the law-breakers free health care, while thousands of those persons born in the USA or who migrated there legally but don’t qualify for Medicaid or Medicare, get left without health coverage, if they cannot afford a policy through Obama Care.

Recently too, children in New York were deprived of in-person education, because their classrooms were given to illegal immigrants. In cities like NY, LA, San Francisco, Chicago etc, while citizens live on the streets because they cannot afford the rent, illegals can get free accommodation!

Because it’s now a free for all too, terrorists, criminals and smugglers can enter, no problem while aspirants who play by the rules, can't.

No wonder Biden is seeing a massive fall-off in support from most categories of his voters in poll after poll, for most people are law-abiding and prefer due-process to a policy that victimizes the law-abiding people while rewarding law-breakers!

Biden’s immigration policy will go a far way in encouraging voters to turn away from the Democrats in the upcoming elections.  

His policies can only benefit Trump and his Maga supporters.

For no reasonable person supports policies that victimize honest people while rewarding law breakers.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

We are unwanted ๐Ÿ˜ก

 We Jamaicans tend to hold ourselves in high esteem and based the performance of many of our nationals at home and abroad, we have some reason to feel so.

For on an individual basis, so many Jamaicans tend to be world beaters!

This is s especially so in sports, music, the arts, etc although when it comes to, operating collectively, especially in sports, we tend to bomb out.

I am not at this time thinking about sports though but our reputation as a country.

A paradox is that despite our terrible reputation at home and abroad because of crime, we remain among the most desirable vacation destinations in the Caribbean

 But that’s for another debate.

The latest statistic which gave me a jolt recently, was when at I heard on Radio  Jamaica (RJR) that in the Caribbean, our passport is one of the least desirable. It’s something, I have never really mulled on, although I travel a lot.

This is demonstrated by the extent to which countries are prepared to refuse to take a chance on us, by allowing us into their countries without visas!

According the report, Barbadians, can travel to over 160 countries without needing a visa and Bahamians are next on the high list with over 150 countries not asking them to get visas.  However, Jamaicans can only travel to 90 countries without a visa. (The entire list and ranking are online).

Even other Caribbean countries don’t particularly like those of us trying to travel to their countries with a Jamaican passport, despite us holding something marked a Caricom passport.

I remember the last time I went to Trinidad, how they scrutinized my documents from top to bottom.  I was just attempting to get home next day after leaving Guyana!  This while other Caricom nationals just ‘zoopsed’ through. 

At that time, I had to catch a connection through Trinidad .

 I was just overnighting there to catch my connection!

As I have been mainly been travelling to Africa recently, my esteem was lifted a bit by the fact that quite a few countries on the Continent, welcome us without visas.

These include Botswana, Zambia, Ghana , Kenya, South Africa.

 I must admit though, I was shocked when no such privilege was extended to us by Ethiopia!

 Shocked, because so many Jamaicans hold Ethiopia in such high regard, with some of our nationals even considering their former King a high prophet.

Besides, quite a few Jamaicans have made that country their home.

Could it be because of the actions of the Jamaicans there why they put in the visa restriction?

On the other hand, more Jamaicans have made Ghana their home and they haven’t slapped any visa restrictions on us!

(According to my research, 1000 Jamaicans live in Ethiopia and around 4000 in Ghana).

Our government needs to tell us why we are the personae non gratae in the Caribbean and why they are not negotiating bilateral agreements for us to travel more easily?

Visas are quite expensive documents and considering how we open up our country to the rest of the world, isn’t it time we get a break?

I forgot, politicians travel on diplomatic passports so don’t have the hassle of getting visas.

Anyway, our passports are probably blacklisted because the world knows our governments are so notoriously corrupt with no one ever being held accountable for anything, so they don’t want people who consider corruption the norm, to visit them!

So, I guess we will continue to be the pariah of the Caribbean.






Sunday, January 14, 2024

Supporting the Krew

That's the Miami Krew Soccer Club

It was established in 2007 in Florida. The founder of the club is Mr. Pierre Hosang who has been playing and coaching soccer at various levels for 33 years.

Pierre, a graduate of FIU, is a member of a famous Marshall Jamaican footballing  family, whose members have represented Jamaica in the international  arena for decades. 


    This club has built strong connections over the years, with Elementary, Middle,  High Schools, Clubs, and Colleges in Florida, so professional teams visit them regularly to recruit young, talented players in training.

 Some of their players have gone on to sign scholarships and contracts with colleges and professional teams, nationally and internationally.

We went to celebrate with the Krew at Palmetto Bay School grounds in Miami, where they hosted their annual family day.

Despite the inclement weather, it was fairly well attended. Both participants and well wishers were enthusiastic.

Jamaican food including festival, jerk chicken jerk pork etc, was
available for all.

The big feature of the day was the match between students and parents, but unfortunately, not that many fathers turned up.

It was enjoyable fun and games anyway.


Friday, January 5, 2024

Lion country safari revisited


If you can't get to Africa to experience a real safari, (this in the link below is the best I have been to; Joan, my views: Heaven on earth ( at least you get a tiny taste of one by visiting this in Loxahatchee, Florida. 

This is the second time I am visiting this attraction, and I have not changed my opinion in any way! (See that review at; Joan, my views: The best value for money in Florida (

There they have quite a variety of animals coming from six continents. They roam freely, so you will see lions, wildebeest, giraffe, zebras ostrich, chimpanzees and rhinos among others.

I saw many more lions this time and they were closer.

Naturally, you have to stay in your vehicle as they are really wild and roaming freely.

                                                        An energetic baby chimp

This ostrich pecked at the windscreen of every car.

showing off๐Ÿ˜…

When you are finished with the drive through, you can do the walk-through where you feed giraffes, see lots of birds and smaller animals.

Here also there are kid’s rides and lots of places selling food, snacks and souvenirs. So be prepared to walk a lot, especially if you have kids.

The skeleton of a very large python

The ever-present Florida gator

It's a lovely family attraction.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Of wars and criminals

In July 2023, Reuters reported that The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for the Russian president Vladimir Putin’s arrest. (The ICC is distinct from the International Court of Justice, an organ of the United Nations that hears disputes between states.)

This is because he is held responsible for the actions of his army and ‘Russian forces in Ukraine are responsible for rapes, widespread" torture and killings.’

The article further clarified that ICC can bring a prosecution against political leaders for "waging aggressive war" in the event of an unjustified invasion, or conflict not undertaken in self-defense.’

I was happy to learn from a PBS report on December 23rd, that “South Africa launched a case at the United Nations’ top court accusing Israel of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and asking the court to order Israel to halt its attacks — the first such challenge made at the court over the current war.”

South Africa’s submission to the International Court of Justice alleges that “acts and omissions by Israel … are genocidal in character” as they are committed with the intent “to destroy Palestinians in Gaza” as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnic group.”

This excellent submission put forward by the South Africans needs widespread support, for when you see the reports on the nightly news showing the results of the days activities in both Ukraine and Gaza, there is little difference between Putin and Netanyahu’s government.

In fact, in terms of cruelty, the Israelis seem to be way ahead.

I am certainly no defender of Putin or the Russians, but in their effort to steal the Ukrainian’s land, the Russians seem to be targeting mostly soldiers, whereas in Gaza, the government and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) clearly aim to eliminate as many women and children as possible!

In a chilling report on December 31, 2023, The Daily Ground reported that the Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, told the Israeli army radio that ‘Israel must control territory in Gaza and significantly reduce the number of Palestinians living there. "If there are 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs in Gaza and not two million, the whole discourse about the day after will be different," he said.

If that news report is correct, since the population of Gaza is around two million, this means the likes of Smotrich have no reservations or qualms about wiping out up to 1.9 million Palestinians in Gaza!

If that isn’t genocidal, nothing is.

It has been very clear for some time that the Israeli government is also not simply setting out to kill as many of this generation of Palestinians as possible but also as much of the future generations as well.

So, they are promising to carry on this campaign for much longer.

This campaign cannot only cause Israel to become an international pariah, but also ensure that the country cannot ever exist in peace, for by their own actions, they are simply forcing the future generations in the territories that it oppresses, to become terrorists!

You know, some powerful people like to label all criticism of the Israeli actions in Gaza as anti-Semitic. This is absolute nonsense however, as social media is replete with videos ofJews from all over the world, including descendants of victims of Hitler’s genocide in Germany, opposing the Netanyahu government’s acts of genocide against the Palestinians and the apartheid regime that passes for democracy in Israel!

Even Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper has been reporting that ‘Protests calling to oust PM Netanyahu are taking place night across Israel, including a Tel Aviv solidarity rally with the families of Israeli hostages held by Hamas.’

No one is more responsible for what is taking place in Gaza today, than that Israeli prime minister Netanyahu and his blood-thirsty cabinet which cannot see beyond totally eliminating the Palestinian population.

So far, their army has killed almost 22,000 Palestinians in Gaza and under the watchful eye of the IDF, settlers in the West Bank have been murdering Palestinian farmers and stealing their land.

That is what the government of Israel wants as they are determined that the Palestinians should never have their own state but simply remain in eternal bondage or flee their land.

The proof of this is reported in the Times of Israel on December 31, 2023, which quoted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying during a press conference at the Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv that 'he was “proud” he prevented the establishment of a Palestinian state and took credit for “putting the brakes” on the Oslo peace process.' 

2024 will see no improvement in the Middle East and many have been wondering if the Falasha’s living in Israel are not in danger of elimination too.

This concern is based on a declaration made even before November 8th by Judith Varnai-Shorer. This influential politician is a powerful former Israeli Consul for General the Southern United States, a former ambassador to both Hungary and Bosnia-Herzegovina as well as a former minister of congressional affairs at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC. Her most recent post was desk director at the Center for Policy Research.

In a video circulating on You Tube, she is heard warning other powerhouse Israelis at a secret meeting in the US that major problem Israel has is with ‘the young generation of the black community.’

That smells like trouble for the young Ethiopian Jews. The older ones migrated to Israel and while their population is listed at 85,000, some 20,000 were born there according to Israeli statics.

Research for yourself the terrible discrimination the Falasha’s are currently subjected to in Israel!

The European Jews who control Israel, clearly don’t want any people there who are not lily white and by giving them full support, the Americans are being drawn into that mire.





Family fun

2024 really started beautifully with great love and happiness for me. 

What was so special this year was that it's the first time in years, that I had my entire immediate family in one place❤️.

For my daughter and granddaughter arrived in Florida at 11.30 pm on New years eve, to spend a few days with my grandson Shadrach and I here.

When we surfaced later on New Year's day, we drove to West Palm to spend the day with the extended family, Shadrach's mom's  family.

It was excitement and enjoyment all day, starting with the most delicious meal including mannish water and stew peas, prepared by chef extraordinaire, Norma, (Michelle's mom) who we are overwhelmed and lucky to have in our extended family. 

The love flowed non-stop, enhanced by the great company, food, fun, and laughter which lasted  until late that night. 

Great memories.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.


And even karaoke

Apologies to the late, great Peter Tosh๐Ÿ˜.


That song which we wrecked, is what Michele says she remembers me playing everytime she came into my car, from she was around age six๐Ÿคฃ. 

I had long forgotten about that.

(Thanks for the memories and pics Michelle Wright)❤️