Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Both the Bidens and Trumps have landed the USA in the pits.

 For years I have been wondering how Donald Trump could continue to garner such popular support, considering how depraved he is!

For this a man who is not only boastful about his sexually predatory practices, but also, he has also been found to have committed other serious illegal acts during his public career.

These include criminal racial discrimination against black potential tenants in New York,  using funds raised for the benefit of the Trump Foundation for his personal use, robbing students registered in Trump University, robbing small contractors and on and on.

While I thought Joe Biden was better for the goals and reputation of the country, I was extremely disappointed by his selfishness in holding on to power after the first term.

 For no matter how fit you feel as you age, the reality is, after a certain age we do not have the mental or physical ability to handle certain tasks efficiently, and we could all see Biden deteriorating before our eyes.

Hunter Biden 

By selfishly insisting that he was running again, he prevented other possible more competent persons putting themselves up for the leadership of the Democrat Party and candidates for president.

In fact, in the blog: https://joan-myviews.blogspot.com/2023/04/he-is-just-too-old.html?m=1, I also pointed to the toll his son Hunter Biden, was having on the family. 

 I am no psychiatrist, but I suspect Hunter's conviction today will have a serious psychological effect on Biden, further expediting his decline. 

It is not only as a drug addict and financial exploiter of the Biden name that this remaining son has been a millstone around the President's neck, but morally, in family matters as well. 

For while the Biden's like to showcase their grandchildren, they have not only refused to acknowledge their last grandchild, (who was sired by Hunter), but also, have never had a word of condemnation for that son's refusal to support financially, that child!

(The DNA commissioned by the mom, proved it was Hunter's child and the entire sordid affair has been widely reported in the press.)

The world has for quite a few decades, held up the USA as a good example in many regards.

In my book however, both the Bidens and Trump have been terrible for the reputation and future of this great country.

Worse, the convicted felon will probably once again end up being the president of this the most powerful country in the world.πŸ˜₯.

So sad.


The debate between Trump and Biden last night has not only confirmed everything I said above, but it has probably damaged Biden's legacy forever.

 For in truth, Biden had been an exemplary citizen who sacrificed a lot over the years, to serve his country and make it a better place for all.

However, because of his determination to selfishly hold on to power long after he has no capacity to perform effectively, he will probably destroy that legacy forever.

Power indeed corrupts!

(The original article was posted 06/11/2024 and the debate held 06/27/2024).

This cartoon sums up the sad situation.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Is death really the ultimate?

Some years ago I stopped speak to a pair of young men who were soliciting funds on Trafalgar Road in Kingston. 

The younger one had no hands, arms, feet, or legs and he was in a wheelchair being pushed by the other. 

My heart went out to the wheelchair bound gentleman. I tried to imagine how one survives when you find yourself in a situation like that. 

That's really when I started to appreciate the little things we take for granted,  like feet and fingers!

When I inquired how he had received such severe injury, he told me he was in a car accident.

 The car he was in, went over a gully.

I guess that's one reason why when I hear the Road Safety Council always harping only on the death rate from road accidents, I find it so annoying!

For in all their ads that I have heard, they never seem to take serious injuries (which I suspect are far more prevalent than death in car accidents,) into consideration when warning about the need to drive carefully!

Can you believe too that while there is a horde of statistics on road accidents and the death rate, they have no facts or figures on serious injuries! (At least I couldn't find any!)

 It is because I just heard another radio ad advising drivers how to avoid death on the roads, why I am back on this topic. 

For death has always been their mantra over the decades I have been hearing their ads.

Could it be because I am one of the weird people in the world who doesn't think death is worse than serious incapacitating injury, why no ad warning me of possible death could influence me one bit to take my foot off the accelerator

Really how many of you would rather be totally incapacitated than dead? (This is my idea of an informal poll on the issue!)

In my book, if the Road Safety Council wants to encourage safer driving, they should be widening the scope of their ads instead of forever harping only about death.

 Or is it that they don't know death is inevitable? 

 Why don't they encourage motorists to think seriously about the possibility of having to spend the rest of their long lives totally dependent on others to do the most basic things?

Worse yet, if one is not born a millionaire, how well or long can you survive without being able to support oneself if one is seriously injured in an accident?

Interestingly, I wrote the above on the 10th June. When I took up my Sunday Observer, (16/6) I noticed an article entitled “I’ve never been the same, Survivors share long-lasting impacts of road crashes” written by Kelsey Thomas.

Big up Kelsey as I have also often wondered why no working journalist has ever investigated and highlighted the terrible situation in which the injured are left.

For this particular article, Thomas interviewed only two persons, but I think if more drivers and road users in general read it, it would give them an idea of the physical and mental repercussions that remain when one is the injured for life.

I hope someone who coordinates advertising programs for the Road Safety Council reads it and gets the point that while death is final and inevitable for all, a life of suffering isn’t!

It’s time the Road Safety Council starts thinking outside of the box!




Sunday, June 9, 2024

Island groove

 If you want a Caribbean person to go missing, just beg the Lord to send a teeny weeny bit of rain😊.

For that's just about the amount of rain that fell before what turned out to be a great musical event put on by the Tamarac City.

But alas, most Tamarac residents missed that really nice and energizing event.

Our groovy Mayor never missed a beat though.

Neither did my friend Cora (91)😊.

She enjoyed the short time there. She may not spend all night at these events but she loves the great outdoors.

The few people who came also had a great time as the music was good throughout.

When we got there, the "stilt" experts (Bahamian?) were just finishing up their routine.

Then it was time for great Caribbean music.

Nadine Sutherland who closed out the show, kept the vibes going.
And the kids had a great time too.

Plantation City was represented.

Nadine Sutherland 

Miramar City was also represented.

Hope in 2024 Tamarac will host more Caribbean music events.

It really sets the groove.πŸ‘.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Celebrating the Big 8

Cultural activist, renowned artist/musician, playwright, mentor and businessman Colin Smith, ( aka Barry) had no idea what was waiting for him at Island Space museum as he walked leisurely in Broward Mall, Florida, with his granddaughter, talented jazz singer/musician Alyssa (McDoom).

For although he suspected all week that something was being planned for his birthday, as his wife Anette, son Tariq, and daughters Kellie, Anika and Colleen kept whispering furtively, but shutting up as he approached, he couldn't imagine the scope. 

 A surprised Colin arrives with        granddaughter Alyssa.

.....and immediately caught the vibes 😊.

Some of the Smith siblings pay tribute to their famous brother Colin.

Son Tariq was the MC

It was a well planned affair, beautifully decorated venue, delicious food and a room full of happy friends and family who had come from all over the USA and Trinidad, to shower their friend and in many cases, mentor, with lots of love for his 80th birthday.

Daughter Colleen at entrance of venue.

Wife Anette surrounded by friends

Youngest of his siblings Hayden.

Some pieces of his art were on display.

Posing with my cousin Milton and wife Joan 

Alyssa serenades grandad Colin.

Other friends born in June, cut the cake with Colin.

Proud son Tariq toasts his mentor

                                                       Colin's band, Tallawah, entertains.

                 Dub poet Malachi left his own anniversary celebration to herald his friend.

It was an enjoyable, well planned, and executed affair for someone who has done so well for his family and kept his country's flag flying culturally in Florida.

We look forward to the big 81.