Friday, March 13, 2009


Forgive me if after living in a country which is reputed to have more Churches per capita than every any other country in the world, I have come to the conclusion that religion is the root of all evil

 Yes , when I did history as a child and saw how many wars and purges had a religious base, I did lean towards that opinion, but moderated it for a bit over the years. However, the more I hear about the activities of some Muslims and relate to people who swear on the bible that they are "Christians", the more I again lean towards the conclusion that if not all religion, then certainly Islam and Christianity are if not totally, close to being at the root of most of problems in the world. Take for example the recent abortion debate in Jamaica. 

Which God or who on earth gave the those vocal "Christians "who have been making appearances in Parliament, authority over the bodies of women? Interestingly, most who have come railing against abortion are men. 

I wonder if this has anything to do with the Christian theory (*propaganda) that women were created from the rib of man? Even forgetting that silly argument, who else should have dominion over one's body but the owner of that body? 

 Now the "Christians" here are making a great fuss over the flexi week debate. One had expected the Adventists to be the vocal ones since they have always been strict adherents of the sabbath.

However, Sunday worshipers have also suddenly jumped into the fray at a time when it is accepted internationally that Sundays are just another day and commercial activities proliferate as they do on Saturdays. 

 In my book, as long as Jamaica continues to have this wild growth in irrelevant religions, we will not only remain the among the top five countries in the world with the distinction of having the highest number of murders per capita, but also productivity will hit a new low as church leaders fight tooth and nail to try and keep their collection plates full by insisting that people stay in Church and nag poor God to provide for them rather than getting involved in production.


  1. I always hear people say that Jamaica has one of the top country per capita in murder rates. Has anybody stopped to really check those statistics and compare it for themselves. How can you over look countries that have serial killers and massacres popping up and compare it to Jamaica. Jamaica has never boasted a serial killer.
    The 'christians' that were responsible for those killing were never christians to begin with because they were the same church that persecuted the followers of God.

  2. Ha, ha, Jamaica has lots of serial killers but our police just dont have the ability to solve crimes! Yes the figures re the murder rates around the world are checked. They are termed "per capita" as the rate is measured against the population in a country. So when a country of 90 million has 300 murders per year, their per capita rate is minuscule when compared against a country with a population of say 2 million where 300 persons are also murdered per year.
