Thursday, May 28, 2009


As a Jamaican I have never ceased to be amazed at how taxpayer’s money is constantly being wasted by the establishing of government bodies which have nothing to do but trip over each other as the do the same thing or even worse, do nothing at all since the budgets they get usually accommodates salaries only.

Now we have an even weirder situation where the Public Defender has gone even further by announcing that his department will be conducting an enquiry into the Armadale tragedy within hours that the government announcing that a Commission of Enquiry was being established to do just that!

Surely the resources of the Public Defender’s department would be better spent dealing with complaints by citizen’s organizations and indeed citizens, against government institutions. Instead those seem to have been sent to file 13 while the impetus to grab sound bites has taken over.

As a matter of interest, has parliament ever gotten a report on the achievements or indeed even usefulness of that institution?...

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