Friday, June 26, 2009

Michel Jackson

“…if his early youth had not been deprived of trust and tenderness, if he had grown up in a different environment, among more emancipated and charitable people instead of finding his natural impulsiveness confronted by so restricted a social horizon, with its crushing discipline and penny tyrannies…..”

From the first time I read those words written by Frank Elgar in the biography of the great but troubled Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh, I thought of Michael Jackson. On hearing of his death, I had to return to the book, for the strange fellow that this genius became as he got older, was a direct result of his terrible childhood he had, as he outlined on an Oprah Show.

For he was deprived of his childhood by his greedy father who only saw the dollar signs. So while a six year old Michael watched with envy as kids romped nearby, swinging and sliding on the playground, he was being beaten by his father who kept forcing him to spit out songs in the recording studio.

I was never convinced that he sexually molested kids, only that he enjoyed their company because he was seeking the childhood experiences he never had.

He was a brilliant artist but a troubled man but being a firm believer in reincarnation, I cannot but feel that he built up enough good karma in this life so his next one will be far happier. I personally feel a great loss.

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