Saturday, June 6, 2009

Politics in Jamaica

As we in Jamaica prepare to waste another $40 million on another unnecessary by-election, the question remains, why on earth can't the PNP and JLP politicians stop the hemorrhaging of our resources by doing the right thing? What's the right thing you ask.


 If someone wants to be a legislator in Jamaica, the main criteria has to be that the person owes all allegiance to Jamaica and no other country. So all Green Card holders should be out of the running as well as Commonwealth citizens. Argument done. Further the Electoral Office should be mandated to require that all would-be legislators sign a declaration to the effect that they owe allegiance only to Jamaica. If anyone is found to have lied on the declaration,the penalty should be an automatic five year prison sentence. 

 Ha ha. Yes, I live in Utopia for only there do liars come up with legislation that would put them in jail! 

 Who was it again who said that if criminals made the laws the jails would be empty?

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