Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Michale Jackson

I watched Michael Jackson's farewell yesterday with sadness and absolute awe. For while I had always liked his music, I did feel sorry for him as a person who had been deprived of his youth and was now as an adult doing all sorts of weird things as he sought to recapture the past.

I had forgotten that he was a person. So when Paris said goodbye to him and described him as the best father, I was speechless and overcome with emotion. And when other speakers pointed out how he had opened the doors for blacks in every area eg. Tiger Woods, it is something that I would never have considered on my own accord, since in my books he had spent his entire life striving to become white and develop caucasian features.

The most pleasant reminder I got from the farewell was the outlining of his absolute generosity of spirit. For example, how he sought to use his immense talents to raise funds for the sick and hungry, long before "Live Aid" was conceptualised.This generosity of spirit was earlier revealed just after his untimely death when his will was found and it was announced that he had left 40% of his estate to his children, 49% to his mother and 20% to charity.

He was indeed a wonderful person but like all of us humans, he had an Achilles heel. I never bought the stories that he was a peodophile but considered him only and unfortunate individual wh0 was so mixed up because he was robbed of his youth, that it affected him mentally.

As one who believes in reincarnation, I am sure his next life will be extremely happy, for he must have earned an abundance of good karma .

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