Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jamaica's 47th year of Independence.

On Thursday 6th August 2009, the little island of Jamaica became 47 years old and our exciting riding club "Fun and Thrills" became about 3 years old.What the heck. We really don't care how old we are, we are just determined to have all the fun, spills and thrills that we can!

So at about 6.30 am (later as usual than what we were told would be the start out time) 15 of us riders set out from our headquarters in Hope Pastures for Hellsire Beach in search of a good swim and a lovely breakfast. Of course this incluided the regulars, Charles ( head cook and bottle washer, benevolent dictator etc. etc.) Michael Williams, Michael Chuck, Howie, and of course me. Also present were the not so regulars, Andrew, David, Penny, Kevin, Stefan,Grace and Barry plus three, first timers...Johnhy Chuck, the president of the ladies Jamaica Hockey team and the president of the Gun Lobby. Damit joined us at Liguenea.

We rode down Hope Road, in to Trafalgar Road, down West King's House Road and on to Dunrobin Avenue, where Betty joined us. It was an easy, pleasant and basically uneventful ride along mandella Highway and then on to I95 with just one minor spill.

We thought we had it down pat by heading out early to Hellshire but we were shocked to see that dozens of other Jamaicans also had the same idea and the beach was already crowded. We were also surprised to see that young men in tee shirts with Hellsire Fishermen Coop printerd on them, had erected a gate at the entrance and were charging $50 per person to enter. They were also restricting the number of vehicles driving on to the beach which is good as that cut down on the traffic snarls and the ill temper which often accompnies such situations.

When we got there, breakfast which had been pre- arranged was not yet ready so we were able to get a dip in the warm, calm blue water. The breakfast was absolutely delicious...... fried fish and festival, green bananas, ackee and saltfish, fried plaintain, fried breadfrui. and lots of callalo. Lots of other persons drove over to join us for breakfast, including Lisa (with her two poodles), Spy and family, Fatman and family, Mitchum and others.

The food was really a winner then we went back into the glorious water for another couple hours.

Shortly after noon, we packed up the 17 bicycles into Howie's and Michael Chuck's pickups and we all piled into the other support vehicles for the ride home.

Driving upo Hope Road we saw a number of beautifully decorated trucks parked in front of Ranny Williams centre where the float parades to celebrate our independence was scheduled to begin.

For us, it was another great day of of fun, spills and thrills.

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