Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Ride

Today was again another nice ride into the salubrious hills of Maryland. There were no serious incidents and while some 15 persons had confirmed that they would be riding, thus causing Howie to order that number of breakfasts, only Howie, Barry, Penny, Stefan (with Zorie in carrier on the back of his bicycle) Damit, Barry, Chrles, Andrew, Michelle and I took the trip. Grace, Jervais,Donna and her friend and Renee Hall did not turn up. Fatman drove Howie's vehicle and his son Zacky came along.

The reason why have put out Renee's full name is because we are going to keep and eye out for her in the 2012 Olympics for she currently swims for Jamaica ( following in Betty's footsteps) and is a Carifta silver medal holder. Her specialities are freestyle and butterfly.

Anyway, I deviate. There was no excitement this week in terms of incidents since all that could have happened on the ride happened last week. (Folks are still laughing over Heather and my crash last week which had me landing flat on top of Heather. She left the island shortly after, I hope its not the crash that inspired the move. I am just kidding for she has gone to see her husband Johhny "expatriate member of "Fun and Thrills" since he has migrated to Maryland, USA as he still has Maryland on his mind, even if it is not Maryland, St. Andrew, Jamaica!)

The "swimming pool" up at Maryland was a bit shallow today for apparently they had some rains and some of the sand bags which are used to dam up the water, were destroyed. Barry and Andrew made a valiant attempt at hydro-engineering and we did manage to get a little more depth but it was not quite up to where we have become accustomed. However, when I was riding down, one of thew local gentlemen told me that he was on his way up there to repair the damage so I suspect next week we will have a deeper pool.

The crowning glory of today's ride was the breakfast cooked by "Coy" and for which Betty drove up to join us. Boy the callaloo is the best I have had anywhere. The menu was callaloo, stewed chicken and ackee and codfish with old time chocolate tea and don't joke, the food was plenty, lots of dumplings, fried jonnie cake and yam and even pear. He increased the price on us overnight from $200 to $300 but it was worth it from a thief.

On the way down, Zory fell asleep in her carrier and at one point, her helmeted head hung out precariously out at the side of her carrier, so her parents had to put her in the van.

Unfortunately, I have no pictures this week but Howie should be posting some on his facebook page soon. ( I subsequently stole the photo above from his facebook!)

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