Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Caster Semenya

I find the treatment by the International Athletics Association and the world press of 19 year old South African Caster Semenya totally unforgivable.

What future now lies for this poor child after her privacy has been so terribly invaded and mauled by the international press? Granted she does not seem to have been given the 'normal" set of tools as most of the rest of mankind ( and womankind) but she is a human being with feelings, so why have these insensitive idiots treated the delicate matter of her sexuality in such a callous, insensitive and downright wicked manner?

Poor Caster was born with a vagina visible and thus treated as a girl her parents. Then she made the mistake of getting involved in athletics and having excelled in her chosen field, has now become the scourge of the athletic world with barbs like "they have to include a special category for it" being thrown at her with scant regard for her feelings. Imagine being referred to as an it by so-called journalists!

God created her as she is. Her major manifestations are female while hidden inside her are male organs and hormones. So she must now suffer international ridicule for the rest of her life for something over which she had not control, thanks to the International Athletics Association.

Which brings me to a general attitude to homosexuality by some who pretend to be speaking for God.

I have always had the greatest sympathy for homosexuals for regardless of what others claim, I have been always convinced that these urges are not something that we humans have any control over.

I have always based this premise on my own simple experience for when I became sexually aware, I did not say "ok I am going to fall for boys instead of girls". That came naturally and without any input from me as it was in where I was born and to what parents. These are some of the things that we have absolutely no control over but indeed must learn to play the hand we are dealt. Yet we have religious leaders leaders preaching death and damnation to those unfortunate enough to find themselves in the position that is not considered normal by society, like being attracted to their own gender.

I don't know whether Caster is attracted to males or females, but her dilemma and that of other hermaphrodites is the extreme. It is my opinion that homosexuals are driven by an urge that is related to their internal makeup, nothing they can do anything about and nothing to do with them being sexual deviants or perverts.

this be a wonderful world if we could only learn to accept people as God made them and stop taking on to ourselves the role of judges in things that we have no knowledge about or control over?

Next time you feel like judging another's lifestyle, stop and think how you would feel if you were born like a Caster or had a friend or relative who is not born with the attributes (internal and external) that society considers "normal".


  1. One view I heard from a taxi driver is that she must be a man because 'her' name is Semen Ya and any parent who is most proud of their baby boy would name him 'Semen Ya So'.

  2. Ha ha. How do you know that name does not translate to something very nice in their own tribal language!
