Wednesday, September 30, 2009

That Hollywood Group is Wrong

It seems to me, all well thinking women worldwide and especially mothers, should immediately start boycotting anything that Hollywood big wigs such as Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese, Pedro Almodovar , Adrien Brody, Sigourney Weaver, Harvey Weinstein and any other actor or studio official as well as Zurich Film Festival Jury President Debra Winger have an input in.

For these are among the main leaders who have jumped to the defense of Roman Polanski and see him walk away from the drugging, rape and sodomizing of a 13 year old child over thirty years ago.

We have no way of finding out why the US authorities took so long to seek the extradition of Polanski, but justice must be served, even thirty years later. For there is no question of Polanski's guilt, since he did plead guilty at the time of his prosecution, but later escaped imprisonment by going to live in Europe.

Are these so-called famous Hollywood personalities and movie icons who would have him excused saying that they approve of the drugging, raping and sodomizing of young girls by perverts, simply because they are talented? Are they saying that only the untalented of the world should be punished for perversions? I wonder what they would be saying if this terrible crime had been committed against their own child or sister?

Let the world tell all these perverts that we disapprove of their stance by boycotting their works, no matter how "talented" they appear to be.

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