Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Woman's Right

According to a recent poll done in Jamaica, when respondents were asked to state the extent of their agreement with the statement 'Abortion is morally wrong', 73 per cent said they strongly agreed, 12 per cent said they agreed somewhat, while nine per cent strongly disagreed and six per cent said they disagreed somewhat.

"The general consensus was that abortion was morally wrong," said the pollster. "Eighty-five per cent of all persons interviewed expressed this view.

"This suggests that this view was consistently held across all the various demographic groups, virtually to the same extent," he added.

I have no qualms about categorically stating that I fall in that nine percent group which strongly disagreed for it is my opinion, that what a woman does with her body is her business and hers alone. No church, politician, judge or parson should have any say with what a woman does with her body, just the owner of the body. So who needs a poll ?

Anyway, I think what the poll reflects is the negative influence that the church in Jamaica is having on people, for it has been a long established that Jamaica has more churches per square mile than any other country in the world. I have even heard some of those religious fanatics (ie. parsons) arguing on public media that even when a child is gang raped, if she gets pregnant, she should be required to keep reliving that terrible experience for the full term, then give the child up for adoption. Such callous views do nothing but make my blood curdle for the very thought of a child having to endure such torture is really unspeakable.. Neither do I support the theory that a fertilised egg is a person. In my book, that is a totally stupid premise........ like saying that when I eat a fertilised egg I am eating a chicken.

This is not to say that I support the concept that abortion should be used as a means of birth control. Absolutely not.

However, when a woman finds herself pregnant, if she is not ready psychologically or financially to deal with that lifetime responsibility, by all means have an abortion.

Let me say however, while I am strongly in favour of removing eggs, I have a personal problem with removing a fetus, once it has visibly developed a human form.....just my quirk.

In the main however, I remain firmly of the view that only a woman has the right to determine what comes out of her own body and when and there is nothing immoral about that.

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