Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Children's Agencies and Jamaicans for Justice

Congratulations to Jamaicans for Justice for calling for the removal of the head of the Child Development Agency.

It is not that I know Ms. Allison Anderson or have any special desire to see her back, but Jamaicans and especially those who work in the public service, need to wake up to the fact that when things go wrong, the problem inevitably lies at the top. And things always keep going wrong for the children who are in the care of the state.

I have also noticed that over the years, we have only concentrated on establishing various "child" agencies to deal with every single issue that affects our children and as should be expected "too many rats..."

I wonder why it has taken this new government so long to recognize that they need to consolidate the various "children" agencies if taxpayers are ever to get value for money and the welfare of the children become paramount.

By the way, under whose portfolio does the welfare of our children really fall these days? Maybe that where the buck really ought to stop.

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