Sunday, November 1, 2009

Getting Blessed

Today should have been just a normal ride up to Maryland, but it was very different from the rest. For today was the day when we were all blessed. Yes. I said blessed.

Well as you know, whenever anything weird happens, Charles is behind it. And he did not disappoint. For when we stopped for a "Kodak moment" at our usual bridge, we saw a small group armed with a large cross and flags, emerging out of what was once Blue Mountain Inn.

Immediately Charles decided that we should ask them to if we could take a photograph with them. Some of us were reticent since some of these religions are not friendly to "worlians" but he rode off to catch them and did just beyond the turnoff to Maryland.

Surprisingly, not only did they agree to take a picture with us, but the lady carrying the drum dropped a hell of a great prayer on us. From then on we were blessed, for not one person crashed or fell, although Barry was with us. (Well I did trip and fall by the orange stall, but that was minus the bicycle! I suspect that Howie will scandalise me about it on his blog.)

It was a very pleasant and heavily overcast day and we had some 14 riders. The swimming "pool" was not as deep as we have become accustomed to but we had a wonderful frolic anyway and of course our water mnassage under the falls. In fact it was so nice that Naomi took her car's alarm for a swim too!

As usual Coy made the day with his delicious, ackee and saltfiish, okra and saltfish and pap chow. He had introduced us to bizzy tea some weeks ago as he claims it cleans out the blood and again we had our arties and blood flushed. It was great and Charles owes me $500 as he claimed I could not eat all the food I had on my plate. Obviously he does not understand why I ride!

The wicked coup de grace was when Barry convinced David to try a penalty kick using a ball lying on the ground of the community centre where we have breakfast. Obviously without thinking,David did just that and he was barefooted to boot. Then to his chagrin, he discovered that it was a bowling ball, not a softball . Ouch. I still feel it for him.


  1. You left out the part where David took a penalty shot with the bowling ball.

  2. thanks. i have now reported your wickedness.

  3. The unmitigated gall of the man called Barry - life is interesting
