Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wasting Time in the Courts

Congratulations to Acting Senior Resident Magistrate Vivienne Harris who according to an article the press, issued a bench warrant for the arrest of a police constable who failed to provide a statement which led to case of illegal possession of ammunition being postponed several times.

I have often wondered why more RM's and Judges do not exercise this level of discipline in their courtrooms and issue bench warrants against recalcitrant police who waste the court's time, many times even failing to turn up for the case. Instead, they victimize those against whom the police bring charges by ordering them to come back to court again, and again, and again........I recall the time I pleaded not guilty to a traffic offense only to have to go to court 6 times as the police officer never turned up and the RM seemed to be in a victimizing mood each time the case was called up.

I have also always wondered why I have never heard any Chief Justice instructing judges to take a stand on this time wasting practice by the police although all are fully aware that this is one of the main reasons for the backlog in the courts. But I suppose they think it is only their time that is valuable!

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