Sunday, February 21, 2010

Its Corruption!

After the article (below) about my Ash Wednesday run in with the police was published, several persons have gotten in touch with me to tell me that this was not an unusual case as some corrupt cops have been using the powers given to them by the state to conjure up all sorts of bogus charges against unsuspecting civilians. They then suggest that they can make these charges go away for a fee.

I have no idea what those police had in mind and since I am unable to contact the Complaints Department of the force which does not seem to have a working telephone and it would not be a stretch to suspect that they do not have email addresses either, I am going to send the complaint to the anti Corruption Unit under Justine Felis. Of course I still wont hold my breath in the expectation that even a slightest investigation will be done, but what the heck all I have to lose is the time needed so send an email!

1 comment:

  1. My apologies for not replying with any of my many such experiences.

    One memorable occassion was when going down Half Way Tree road one night. The police stopped me at the junction with Ruthven Road and accused me of going through the red light at HWT. It was a clear fabrication.

    I argued with them for about one minute, then they said "OK Mr. Chin, all we want is $2,000 and a bottle of rum from out of the supermarket." When I told them I don't have any supermarket", they asked where are my goods then and wanted to look in the trunk. I showed them the empty trunk and they then said that next I will have to give them something and then they drove off.
