Thursday, February 11, 2010

Police Corruption

The shock being expressed throughout the country over the revelation of the latest police involvement in weapon's trafficking, will be another nine day wonder as usual. For as the "Star" reminded us yesterday, one of their investigative journalists went undercover some years ago and reported seeing a policeman actually selling a weapon, but the report was totally ignored by those with the power to investigate and put an end to such activity.

Further, the former commissioner of police Lucius Thomas himself was on radio some years ago, talking about the police's involvement in weapon trafficking. Why have we never seen any action taken which would indicate that he did anything about it?

Since then the Corruption's branch of the police has been actively reeling in small fish involved in petty corruption and Kingfish gets itself lots of publicity bringing in small caches of weapons and ammunition, while it is now obvious that the real racket is right under their noses. Could it be that every investigatory arm of the police is totally incompetent or is it that corruption is so entrenched that it took an "accident' for this major racket to be unearthed?
And don't tell me this major racket stops with a mere Sergeant.

The minister of security talks about pending anti gang legislation to tackle serious crime in the country, but daily it becomes more obvious that the biggest and most dangerous gangs in this country are operating out of the police force itself.

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