Friday, April 16, 2010

Digicel Phones

In March 2009, I brought to the attention of the Bureau of Standards and the
Consumer Affairs Commission my impression that Digicel was bringing substandard phones into Jamaica and asked that the Bureau do an investigation.

While the consumer Affairs Commission got me new phones, the Bureau of Standards has done nothing to protect Jamaican consumers, so the problem remains.

I am therefore insisting that the Commission, which is mandated to protect the interest of consumers, call on the the Bureau to randomly check Digicel phones, especially the Sony Ericksons , for as we know, the Jamaican consumer hates to complain and has no problem "hugging up their losses" rather than on insisting on value for money. This makes Jamaica a natural feeding tree for unscrupulous businesspeople.

I am of course not calling Digicel unscrupulous, but I have to wonder about their philosophy on the issue of "value for money", based on my experiences.

In my case, they have replaced my original purchase with four, yes, four brand new Sony Ericksons, but every one they sent had a manufacturers defect in that the key boards go bad within six months.

Of course the average Jamaican consumer would go on, no complaint, but not I who am probably seen as a great nag and cheapskate to business people and even perhaps the
Consumer Affairs Commission, but that's how it it. For I firmly believe that all should be done to protect careless consumers from themselves and this is why we must insist that the Bureau of Standards does its job.

I am certainly prepared to testify in any forum as to my experiences with Digicel as opposed to my experiences with even Lime, where the only time you need to get a new phone is when you wish to upgrade.

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