Monday, April 12, 2010

When Dr. Phillips?

Did I hear right this morning? Was it a dream or was Dr. peter Phillips, senior member of the PNP and former minister of security saying on "Nationwide" that he was against the oppression that members of garrison constituencies are forced to live under?

This is a life where the don is the new slave master, the people his slaves who must do his will "or else" and where young girls (and sometimes boys)have to be ready to satisfy his sexual urges as the phone call comes.

The reason why I am surprised to hear this coming from Dr. Phillips is that large sections of his constituency are serious garrisons where the situation he describes so graphically, prevails.
Further, his party has the vast majority of garrisons, around ten.

So when did your Damascus conversion take place Dr. Phillips and what are you doing as a senior politician, to set the poor unfortunate people of Jamaica who by error of birth were born in garrisons, free?

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