Friday, June 25, 2010

Will Anything Change?

Now that Christoper Coke aka Dudus has been extradited , what will change as far as crime is concerned? I hate to be a cynic but apart from the authorities not allowing another self-governing enclave like Tivoli to re-emerge right now, has crime really been dealt a fatal blow?

Let's look at it ratationally, Dudus was supposed t0 be a JLP supporter/defender, but his kingdom emerged, grew and became independent under the PNP!

According to his school records, Dudus was a math genius and his business acumen seems to confirm that for he was obviously a great businessman first and a politician or political activist last. So under the PNP he got hundreds of millions of dollars worth of government contract. How come?It is my information that one of the first things Dudus did on his ascension to presidency of Tivooli was to make friends with his political enemies who operate in all the surrounding garrisons. Hence the success of Passa Passa. Senior politicians in the PNP also became his allies for since he was the Don of Dons, when they had problems with their local dons in their constituencies, who do you think they called on to discip0line them? Certainly not the Ghostbusters! So they owe him a LOT hence the contracts and I suspect many of them are shaking in their boots lest he makes a deal with the US law makers. So he was spoecial in that respect, but there are many other vicious ones ready to carve out their little niche.

So how will the crime situation really change?

In my book, it will get worse because we have a corrupt police force. For the lucrative extortion racket (the real money spinner) to be effective, people have to be beaten, threatened and even killed to make them understand that they have to give gangsters a set amount from their earnings every week.This applies equally to poor old ladies trying to eke out a living selling a few bananas on the sidewalks, public transport operators, wholesalers, manufacturers and retailers etc. This extortion racket is now well set in all the major towns, not Kingston alone but Mandeville, May Pen and Montego Bay too. The reason why it cannot be defeated is because corrupt police keep a watchful eye while the gangsters use brute force to convince all that they must pay, for the gangsters make sure that the police are on their payroll.

It is not that police really want the gangsters to control the extortion racket but because they are in uniform and have identification numbers, they cannot be up front so they make a pact. Their role therefore is to protect "their" extortionists, not only from the law but also from other extortionists who may wish to infringe on their territory.

So how can it change with the simple demise of Dudus? All it may mean is that there will not immediately be one Supreme don and no one will be allowed in the short run to make his area into a self governing enclave in Jamaica, but apart from that, until we have a clean or mostly clean police force, don't look for any real changes.


  1. Our police farce ambushes the public on the roads, who they should be defending, to extort money from them.

  2. That is minor extortion in comparison with their colloberation with the gangsters on the national scale.
