Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Government run companises versus private ones.

According to the Gleaner of July 14th, now that the free light in Tivoli is no more, "Tivolites rush to regularise with JPS". This is great news because for too long those of us who play by the rules have been shafted by having to pick up part of the cost for utilities being used by the free loaders in the garrisons. For it is well known that in most garrisons, in return for keeping members of parliament in power without them ever having to campaign or even do anything to alleviate the terrible conditions in those areas, the people get free utilities.

What worries me though is that after almost two months of the state of emergency, we have no news that similar measures are being taken in the other fourteen garrisons, Is it only in Tivoli that the change is to be made?

And what about the National Water Commission (NWC), how come they are not making similar efforts to "regularise" the situation where free water is the order of the day? Is it because the NWC knows that whenever they can't pay their debts they can get the government to write off the billions as they have done in the past? Or is it because they find it easy to make up their shortfalls by simply overcharging and threatening the lives of legitimate users?

The difference in approach here once again demonstrates why government run organisations always end up being a charge on taxpayers. Since the buck for the operations of the NWC stops with the minister of Water and Housing Horace Chang, may I use this medium to pose the question to him as to why the NWC is not taking any steps to ensure that those who use expensive potable water, pay for it.

I wonder when those who play by the rules and are constantly being shafted, will rise up and say no more?

I only hope that when the JPS starts to make further windfall profits from bringing in revenue from the garrisons this will be reflected in the bills of those of us who play by the rules.

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