Monday, August 9, 2010

A great holiday

Well my grandson Shadrach, returned to NewYork yesterday then he goes on to Denver to attend school there. It was a wonderful three weeks when he was here. We had a ball.....well I had a ball. He said he missed seeing a number of his friends, for example the Browns who were here last year but who did not come on vacation this time. Confidentially, he seems to have had a thing for Amanda. Lol. Anyway, thats young people business!

We went to Royal Decameron in Salem and had a ball. We also went to Breezes, Trelawny and had a wonderful time. It is really a great hotel with excellent attractions. That will be my first choice next time. Unfortunately Winedown at Silver Sands was booked for the entire period, but anyway next time we will take that in too.

Shadrach's riding has improved greatly. On emancipation day he rode almost all the way to Bog Walk. There we had planned to swim but the Rio Cobre was exceptionally dirty so after a great breakfast and some dominoes (I had taught him to play dominoes while we were at Royal Decameron and he learnt fast (its in the blood). He played partnership with Chris against Michael C and I me and he did well. After breakfast we drove back to Kingston.

Sunday he rode almost all the way to Reggae falls .......from the gas station at Morant Bay. As usual, we had a great time there. Betty created some excitement by getting stuck in the river. Chuck tried to drag her out with his vehicle but during the drama someone discovered that her vehicle was not in 4 wheel drive. As soon as that was corrected, she drove out without a problem.

Unfortunately his four years in locked up in apartments in New York has taken away his zest for the great outdoors, but between Michele in Denver and us here when he comes down, we will reorient him to the point where he really enjoys it.

On independence day, some of the adventurous ones rode to St. Ann's Bay (I only rode to Ewarton) to Chris Dalrimple's beach house where we had a great time at the beach .

Some of us slow riders had left early and Charles had asked Janesha to drive Barry's car as our support vehicle. Apparently Barry had left some of his stuff ion the car and asked her to return with it. She refused and there was a big buss up at Jucci Patty in Bog Walk....Barry, Janesha , Charles all seemed close to coming to blows. I suspect that the next time the security at Jucci sees us coming, they will lock their store! Incidentally, it is good to have Charles around when you get stopped by the police. He certainly has a way with cops. I have been fortunate quite a few times to have him around and been told to go on immediately as he intervenes. When we got to the Spanish town round-about, there was a police cordon and search and Janesha was drawn over. Immediately Charles called her and asked to speak to the policeman and within seconds she was on her way.

The food was great and plenty but Shadrach needs to be more adventurous in his eating however. Chicken , chicken everyday. So because the boy only eats chicken and not the wonderful, delicious curried goat, pork chops and mannish water that was there, he said he only got a little bit of food. Poor soul. I ate as much as I could and then had niggeritis. Great day. Chris is wonderful host the greatest and although Shadrach is such a picky kid, I miss him already. Can't wait till Christmas when we all get together in North Carolina.

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