Monday, October 11, 2010


Boy did we ever catch him this time!

I am speaking about F&T ride organiser and super athlethe Howie. It was his birthday on Saturday 8th October and we planned a birthday party for an entire week and he did not even get a whiff of it. I say this time as two years ago I had a surprise birthday party for him after he single handely engineered the protection for my home after Gustav had removed the retaining wall, and that time he said he knew I was up to something from I invited him over for curry goat!

This time it was absolutely beautifully executed and Damit had even done something to the F&T email account in order that all mail went to everyone but Howie!

The idea for the party was floated by Barry wheile we were at a function at the Chinese Benevolent Society a week before. (Howie was also there) . He floated the idea to Michelle and I and Michelle immediately volunteered to do the soup and a bread pudding and I volunteered my house and to do some stuff.

The idea immediately took on a life of its own once everyone else was advised, for Howie is highly regarded by one and all. What even made it more difficult for him to even think we were doing something was the fact that at breakfast on Saturday, we gave him a card signed by everyone and took lots of pictures of all the girls kissing him and everyone making much of him!(I don't even have one picture for this blog for although lots are taken at every event, we they are never posted for general consumption! ) It was so impressive that he just could not imagine anything else was in store.

That evening, Solay used her feminine wiles to get him to pick her up and it was only when he hit my road and saw his brother's vehicle and some others that he recognised, that he had an inkling that something was not right.

It was a wonderful evening despite the rain. I thought we had an abundance of food which could not be finished but by the time poor Orrel arrived after braving the rains to drive from the northcoast, he barely got any. ...and you know how Orrel likes food! In fact so determined that he was to be part of the affair that he had a lady deliver bottles of wine during the day.

Special thanks to Barry too who braved the rains to come and assist me before hand in setting up the canopy etc for the party. Sharleen was also a great help in that she assisted in the cleaning up.

The food was great, the camaradie wonderful and all the active riders had a part in the success of the affair for everyone brought something to ensure that we all had a great time.

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