Tuesday, December 7, 2010

He defended a woman!!!!!

I couldn't believe the news. K. D. Knight, former Minister of Security and current Opposition senator in Jamaica , is reported to have actually defended a woman! Wow. How absolutely earth shattering!

My astonishment comes from the fact that over the years, Mr. Knight often made the news for verbally abusing women. The first and probably the most colourful report had to do with a confrontation with a fellow Minister, now Leader of the Opposition Portia Simpson Miller who he is reported to have told some very unflattering and colourful words in the precincts of parliament.

Another lady who is reported to have been often verbally abused by the goodly gentleman, is the leader of Government Business in the Senate, Senator Dorothy Lightbourne. So disgusting did these bouts of abuse become that he was actually suspended from the senate not so long ago.
Now, the director of Public Prosecution Ms. Paula Llwewelyn has been the latest recipient.

What is it that Mr. Knight has against powerful women or is that he just hates women? Do they make him feel inferior? One has to wonder about these things since I have never seen a report of him verbally abusing men.

Anyway, is December 2010 to be the period when Knight is about to make a turn for the better? For according to a news report, he was in court yesterday defending RM Pusey who is presiding at the Kern Spencer trail where Knight himself is a defence counsel!

The prosecution had asked for Pusey to be removed on the grounds that she is demonstrating bias and guess who jumped to her immediate defence although she is not his client? None other than K.D Knight in shining armour himself!

I guess he really does not have a deep hatred for women. But wait, could there be another reason?????


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