Sunday, January 16, 2011


On Saturday 15th January, we had our annual treat for the kids from the National Children's Home in Papine.....better late than never.

As you recall, we the riders from Fun and Thrills MTR have been spending some time with these kids who have been abandoned by their families and are now residents of the Methodist run home. Our involvement started three years ago when we donated bicycles and a bicycle rack to the home and started taking out kids for rides on Saturday mornings at Hope Gardens. In order to enjoy this privilige, the kids must have met the behavioral and acdemic criteria setfor that week by the head of the home Mr. Anderson.

This year's treat took the form of a fun day at Rockforth Mineral spa.This formed part of our regular Saturday morning ride and get together. This time 17 of us rode to the yacht club just below the airport while the super fit, Chris, Howie and Orrel rode on to Port Royal.

In the meantime the rest of us returned to the spa to have breakfast and await the arrival of the kids. Michael Chuck brought over the breakfast and snacks for the kids and took back some bicycles for us. Then we waited and waited and waited for the kids to arrive. When they didn't, we called the manager of the home, Mr. Anderson and he expressed surprise that we were waiting on them as there was a misunderstanding between himself and Charles, leading him to believe we would have been collecting the kids. This was straightened out however and they were brought over in their bus accompanied by the school nurse.

From then on, it was fun fun fun. The kids had a great time frolicking in the water but were disappointed when they learnt that they could not remain in the water for longer than 45 minutes. We tried to explain to them that the water had minerals in it that could cause over exposure to harm them, but that did not alleviate the disappointment. Only when they had dressed and was met by the group with snacks of patties, drinks and cake, did the disappointment ease.

They had a wonderful day thoug and so did we. So good was it that I passed a resolution that we ride to Port Royal once per month and finish off swimming at the spa. This was seconded and thrided by Chales and Richard.

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