Monday, February 28, 2011

The R.G.D again!

In a letter to the Observer on Friday 25th February, Hazel Cunningham who signed herself as a Manager at the RGD, claimed that the on line payment system was working well and implied that I was at fault for not getting through.

What Mrs. Cunningham omitted however is the fact thart their web page was 'unavailable ' on Tuesday 22nd February, the day after I reported the failure of the system to their "Customer Service." After seeing my letter in the press, two readers sent me emails saying they too had a similar experience.

Wouldn't it have been more honest if she had said the problem was fixed instead of implying that nothing was ever wrong?

I hear they have prayer meetings evey day at the RGD. I wonder if they are told that honesty is the best policy at these prayer meetings?

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