Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sigma Run 2011

This year, Sigma outdid itself with close to 16,000 entrants in the 5 k run/walk to raise funds for the kids. Of course a crowd such as this would have inconvenienced some people although it was well publicized which roads would be closed. However I was cynically amused when a man came to the barrier in a SUV and raised "holy hell" for he claimed he was being prevented from going to church. I really could see why he needed a whole lot of churching!

Anyway, as usual, we from F&T marshaled, however, I was not about to go down to Emancipation Park for a briefing at 6 am as that time is dark and I think it is dangerous to be riding alone. So I left home at 6.15 am and arrived there just after 6.30am but the briefing seemed to have just begun.. The F&T team of marshals was Nicole, Alric, Orrel, Michael, and Sharon. Tara, Howie, Alicia Michelle and Pat ran in the race as did Uncle Roy.

I had volunteered to monitor the lead lead male walker but had a problem as the radio they gave me had a dead battery. Being proactive, I immediately called the emergency number 469 2722 and told them I would call in progress reports to them . They said it was fine but when I called the number I got voice mail. So I tried the other number and I tried to explain the situation but all I got was blank. It was as if i was speaking to someone from Mars! I assumed the noise in the back ground was making it impossible for the person at the other end to hear me.

So I ended up not being able to report the progress of the lead walker and even had the indignity of hearing my name being blared over the pa system for a report. I suppose I had expected too much in thinking that when I had reported my radio being down it would have been passed on to the appropriate person!

There is a problem in monitoring the lead walkers in such an overcrowded situation however for while we are watching the person in the lead, dishonest people can run and catch up and pretend to be walkers when they get near the finish line. I suspect that happened with the person who actually came first but of course have no proof. For I had started out monitoring the first six fastest then as one person drew away I stayed with him. I was therefore very surprised when a new guy that I had not seen anywhere emerged just around Half Way Tree and took the lead from then on. Michael who monitored the lead female walker also recognizes this problem and has said he will recommended that marshals be used to monitor up to three or four lead walker. There were wheel chair races too, but of course they gave no problem that I heard of.

The highlight of the the morning was when we gathered after the race, Pat felt someone playing with her back and thinking it was one of us she turned round only to discover it was a mad man. If someone could jump out of their skin, it would have been today.

Afterwards we rode back to base and as the sun was really blaring down, everyone drove up to Coy for breakfast and were joined by David and Kim. It was great as usual and the grand finale was when Michelle provided her famous bread pudding for dessert.

Overall it was another great day for F&T.

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