Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Are we ever in Trouble!

I notice that since it was revealed that Dr. Peter Phillips kept the information about the M.O.U's that he signed with US and Canadian agencies from his colleagues when he was Minister of Security in Jamaica, suggestions have been made left right and centre, that it is because he knew many of his cabinet colleagues were in cahoots with criminals so he could not trust them.

But wasn't Peter Phillips also in cahoots with criminals? For what do we really know about his relationship with the late Willie Haggart who was described by the police as an international criminal?

My first knowledge of Haggart came many years ago as I travelled south down Maxfield Avenue and saw an long line of expensive vehicles travelling together on the other side of the road. I stopped to ask a vendor there who I knew if it was the Queen since it is only when we have royal visitors that I had witnessed such an entourage. She laughed and told me it was Willie Haggart, a gangster who had stolen US$20 million worth of cocaine from Colombians in the USA. He had fled back to Jamaica and since he feared being killed by the Colombians, that was how he travelled so no one would know which vehicle he was in. She also told me that some of the persons driving the vehicles in the convoy were policemen! Yet years later when he was killed, Peter Phillips, then Minister of Security, Haggart's member of parliament and obviously his close friend, denied knowing that he was involved in criminal activities!

So this is who we must believe that he was the only minister in Jamaica that the Americans and Canadians found trustworthy enough to discuss sensitive crime intervention strategies with?

If that is so, then we are in much more trouble than most of us know.


  1. I thought Dr. Omar Davis was Willie Haggart's MP? Please check your facts!

  2. Black roses gangsters have abnormal influence in both constituencies.
