Friday, March 11, 2011

The O.U.R

The Office of Utility Regulations (OUR) was set up in Jamaica to take over the functions of the Public Utilities Ombudsman among other things but my experience is, they are totally ineffective in this function.

Last year during water lock offs, my bills soared by 800% as obviously my water metre started to measure air not the water being supplied. When the lockoffs ceased, my bills went back to normal!

Naturally I refused to pay the inflated bills and ultimately turned the matter over to the OUR.

Despite assurances from the OUR that as long as they are investigating, the NWC cannot turn off the water, as I was hearing nothing from them despite frequent emails and I have to leave the island shortly, I wrote to the chairman of the OUR for I know it is normal for the NWC to use extortionary tactics ("pay up or we deprive you of life," remember they tell us regularly that water is life!) to try and force people to pay for what has not been delivered. Not a word from the OUR.

There was action from the NWC though, for a few weeks later, yesterday to be exact, two NWC employees in uniform arrived at my home to disconnect the supply. Granted a call to the OUR did have that action aborted, but what would have happened were I not at home?

The OUR is obviously a toothless tiger.

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