Friday, April 29, 2011

Racism in America Not Dead At All!

Since the election of Obama as the first black president of the USA,  the racists have been secretly seething  while day dreamers have been claiming that it is proof of the end the of racism in the USA. This is of course as far from the truth as one could get, for whereas legislation over the years has made overt racism  punishable, it continues to simmer underneath and has now reached boiling point in some quarters.

As we know, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance and that must start now, for with the help of the Donald Trumps of the world however, if freedom loving people are not careful,  the bloody activities of skin heads and klu klux club types will again soon start to surface.

For what do you really think is behind the constant accusations by Trump et al that Obama was not born in the USA, despite the irrefutable proof that has been presented over the years? These baseless claims are grounded in nothing but blatant racism, for would you believe that  even after the White House produced the long form certificate on the 27th April, a television poll found that 45% of the Republicans were saying they still did not believe he was born in the USA!!!! (This coming from a bunch of idiots who put up McCain, a man born in Panama, to run as President in the 2008 election.)

I suspect that the next thing racist Republicans will probably try to do is to start a campaign to take away statehood from Hawaii !

But  the super racist Trump is not waiting on the mentally challenged activists in his party to launch so stupid a movement, so in the meantime he has started a campaign to create doubt about Obama's academic credentials!

Obama and the White House need to ignore this latest nonsense for nothing will appease unrepentant racists.

I think it is time for decent Americans to confront the blatant racism of the Trumps of the world and vote with  their pockets by boycotting the businesses run by these people and their supporters. For these guys worship nothing but  the almighty dollar and only when they start to bleed financially will they realise that people are tired of their insanity and petty ways.

As to Trump, what does he really have to offer to the most powerful nation in the world but a lump of false hair worn to deflect attention from the fact that there is nothing underneath!

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