Monday, June 27, 2011

Madelynn's Big Day

Sunday June 26th 2011 was Madelynn McBride's big day as that's when she was christened at the 100 year old Park Hill Methodist Church in Denver, Colorado by Pastor John  Thompson. (Incidentally, her mother Michele deliberately chose that date since its the birthday of her paternal grandfather Michael. Also, parents Michele and Devin were married at that same church by Pastor John)
Mommy Michele and grandma Joan pose with the star....Madelynn

For the occasion, friends and well wishers came from far and wide. Her grandfather Michael flew in from Jamaica, her uncle Dustin and kids India and Tristan (born two years apart but both born on my birthday may 20th!) drove in from Oregon, her paternal grandparents Joan and Charles drove from Michigan, her godmother Rochelle, who has been Michele's friend from their early days at St. Andrew High School in Jamaica, flew in from Baltimore and her godfather, and uncle Dan, his wife Pam and daughter Brooke,  drove in from Colorado Springs. (Incidentally, Rochelle bent over backwards to make it on Sunday morning as she had to attend her graduation in Washington on Saturday night where as she was being awarded her second Master's Degree. )
Pastor John baptises Madelynn

The christenings was a wonderful occasion and Madelynn was a perfect lady, behaving like an angel throughout. She was dressed in  a fabulous white christening gown which  had been created and handmade by her paternal grand mother Joan.

To add to the mystique of the auspicious occasion, the water used to christen her had come in from Jerusalem, having been obtained from the sacred Jordan River there by a friend of Joan McBride who had been on a recent pilgrimage there.

After the christening, friends and relatives of the family gathered at Michele and Devin's home for a barbecue to celebrate the occasion.
Family photo on steps of the church

For more photographs see;

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