Thursday, June 2, 2011

Of Balls and Women!

According to,Medieval eyewitness accounts give no doubt that at one time, this chair and others like it were indeed an important part of the papal coronation ritual. But why should the cardinals be so concerned that they would go through the embarrassment of publicly probing their new boss to demonstrate that the pope is indeed a male? (It wasn't done quietly, either."

This is in  reference to something called a "Dung Chair". It is supposed to have been specially built so that when a potential pope sat down, his balls hung through so it could be verified that he was indeed a man.He has two balls, and they are well hung!)

All this rigmarole  arose because in the 13th century, a female pope named Joan reigned for a few years. She only became pope however, because he she had gone through the system pretending to be a man! 

So obviously the male chauvinist stance of the the Roman catholic church is nothing new.

How is the Roman Catholic Church going to survive in the future when women dominate the world? It may seem far off to them, but when one looks at enrollment and graduation from colleges worldwide, it will only be a matter of time before this happens.

Will the Catholics then bring back the dung chair  as part of the coronation process.....not to prove that the pope indeed has balls but to ensure that it is not a man pretending to be a woman, since at that time, only women will have the necessary qualifications for that high office!(lol) 

Oh how I hope I will have reincarnated as a fly on the Vatican wall during that period!