Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Waste of Taxpayer's money

I wonder if other people feel as I do every time I hear an announcement  that the JIS (Jamaica Information service) slot is about to be aired on radio?
For that is usually my cue to switch stations as I object to how the budget of that public institution is being wasted.

Why can't the JIS budget be usefully deployed to help improve things in the society rather than promote the so-called achievements of politicians?

Why can't it be used to promote things like cleanliness, protection of the environment or even give useful information on how to help consumers ease the pain of things like JPS extortionate bills by giving conservation tips or even ideas on how to do the things that use the most electricity during the non peak (cheaper rates, right?) hours etc?

Surely that would be a far more progressive way of using our limited funds for the good of all instead of killing us with meaningless nonesense!


  1. Barry the lazybones riderAugust 16, 2011 at 8:11 PM

    Mek sure u send in this one my girl. JIS is too comfortable sucking up to any govt that is paying them and govts use them as a political tool.

    Did you know that govt ministries and agencies are encouraged to give their marketing work to JIS who charges way more than private external companies?
