Monday, October 3, 2011


No, I have not completed the task that has been keeping me away from writing on public and other issues, but after the big damp squid last night, I just can't help myself. My fingers are a law unto themselves!

Thew squid is of course the nationwide broadcast made by prime minister Bruce Golding in the wake of his sudden (but welcome) resignation.

Ever since it became known that the PM was not running again as JLP leader at the conference due in November and therefore a new leader and by implication, Prime Minister would have to be found, a lot of idiots have been jumping up and down calling for him to tell them why he was resigning.(Amazingly, these are the same people who had been loudest in calling for his resignation when the scandals about his handling of the Dudus affair were exposed!) At the same time, the same people (I have no doubt) have been spreading rumours that the reason for his resignation is because he is about to be indited by the US government and his extradition sought. Then they have put out the word that if he did not confirm this in the nationwide broadcast, then he was not speaking the truth.


Politicians are sometimes so stupid and immature and they really seem to take those to whom they direct their propaganda, for fools.

The defense by Golding of his chief Don Dudus was disgraceful and his resignation, because of his handling of the issue was overdue. This is not just my opinion, but the opinion of some 80% of the persons polled in a recent survey done by the party that Mr. Golding himself leads. This is why he is seen as  liability to the party which was doomed to become Jamaica's first and only one term  government since independence, if Golding remained as leader. That is why Golding could command no respect in the party and had to step aside.

Last night he was arrogant enough to reiterate the nonsense that he had only stood up for Dudus because his constitutional rights were infringed. He still has not come to terms with the fact that he cannot sell that one since he has never ever had an ear for the constitutional rights of others who had been extradited before Dudus.

Jamaican politics. Yawn. In my book, either Holeness or Shaw would make good successors and the upcoming election  is threatening to be be quite boring as the PNP has said that their strategy remains the same as whomever takes up the mantle will remain tainted by the Dudus affair. Pathetic. It f that is all they can find as an election strategy? We may as well all go to sleep for now.

1 comment:

  1. How you mocking the poor politricks man dem so Joan? Wry, dry and very condescending as per usual. Top of the class.
