Tuesday, October 18, 2011


If the Jews have been led to  feel  that they are superior to every one else and many times more superior  to Arabs, who can blame them?  For haven't the most powerful, well armed and wealthy nations in the western world which espouse Christianity insisted that they are the "chosen people" from time immemorial?

This is of course because the powerful christian religion was founded on the bible. Those who have bothered to research it however would recognise that the bible is mostly Jewish history and their myths about the creation of the world, but these concepts were adopted wholeheartedly and defended by the sword, starting in 312 AD when the all powerful Constantine, who ruled the Roman Empire and the world as it stood then, became a Christian activist. It was he who foisted the concept that the bible was written by god himself, on the world.

These beliefs on which Christianity has been founded, has led to the powerful nations coming together and using their their immense power to first take away Palestinian  land to establish a homeland for "the chosen people" and secondly to victimize those whose lands they had stolen.

By natural  progression  therefore, based on this philosophy,  the Jews are the most valuable people in the world. If this did not have serious implications for world peace, it would really be hilarious.

Since yesterday, I have felt  a bit like how I imagine people must have felt in 312 AD when  the all powerful emperor Constantine declared that  it would be Christianity or death for everyone.

My reflections  arose as I tried to get some world news from the international media including the BBC and CNN and  became bombarded from morning to night with nothing but reports of how over a thousand Palestinians prisoners had been swapped for one Israeli prisoner. There was absolutely nothing else happening in  the world, if you were a person from Mars tuning in to these media houses!  Only the BBC pretended to try and introduce some semblance of fairness and impartiality by interviewing a few Palestinians who had been  freed,  but you knew right away that it was fluff by the terms they used, ie. the Palestinians released were terrorists (and other similarly incendiary terms) while constantly referring to the Israeli who was released as  a soldier!

They all really sought to reinforce from every angle, the concept that one Jew was far more important than the  all Palestinians combined.

Well blow me down. I suppose all this will just keep translating into even more aggressive support from the west for Jewish hegemony in the middle east and to hell with everyone else.

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