Friday, November 18, 2011

Policing in Jamaica

I am in total agreement with today's editorial in the Jamaican Observer but was inspired to write because of this one statement, ".....who from this distance seems hardly to have put a foot wrong since he took over leadership of the constabulary...", in reference to commissioner Ellington.

I am still puzzled how we made so many poor choices of commissioners over at least a decade, while there was someone of commissioner Ellington's apparent competence was right there in the force. In the meantime, hundreds of lives were lost because corruption reigned supreme and no sensible crime fighting strategy was developed or implemented for such a long time.

Now for the first time in years, we see the polls indicating that crime is no longer the main concern of Jamaican citizens.

It is indeed a breath a of fresh air and while crime and especially murders continue to keep us in the top five in the world, at least we are seeing good progress.

Congratulations to Commissioner Ellington who is demonstrating that with proper leadership, any organisation is capable of transformation.

Hopefully the kudos and awards that he is receiving will only inspire he and his team to do even better rather than allowing it to go to their heads.

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