Thursday, March 29, 2012

Farewell to Perkins on Line

Tomorrow, Perkins on Line, dubbed the thinking person's programme and broadcast worldwide from Power 106 in  Kingston, Jamaica, will be no more.

This programme started some ten years ago ago when the late Wilmot Perkins (Motty) joined that radio station. Since his death on the 10th February 2012, it has been clear that the programme had to go, but in the interim, Michael Cuff and I kept it going until they could find a suitable hoist for the slot.

Well Friday 30th March will be the last day as from the 2nd April a new programme called Justice will take its place.

The host of the new programme will be senator Marlene Malahoo-Forte an attorney at law, politician and former Resident Magistrate. She will be doing Mondays to Thursdays and I will do Fridays and sit in for her when she cant make it.

Thank god that my life will then get back to normal. For although I enjoy interacting with people, I am totally claustrophobic and  being locked up in a cold, dreary windowless studio  for extended periods, is just not my thing! In fact both Radio Jamaica and Newstalk 93 invited me to do programmes and my answer has always been the same, "Give me a microphone and set me up on a  beach and I will happy to do it",.

Unfortunately the answer is always the same, as  the type of breeze blowing by beaches is just not conducive to outside broadcasts. So since I have no desire to spend my beautiful days stuck in studios, I have always been content to sit in for Motty whenever he was unable to make it.

Now its time for Justice!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you'll be back on Fridays Joan. I currently have no appetite for M M-Forte as I was disappointed with her performance in the JLP/PNP team debate before the Dec 29 general election. She also took the poor tack of trying to use over-emotion to make up for lack of substance. Raymond Price was the star of that show.
