Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Mrs. hazel Williams
On Saturday 17th March, my "favourite" mother in law,  celebrated her 90 th birthday.   For the occasion, her children decided put on a surprise party for her at the Police Officers Club on Hope Road, inviting friends and relatives from near and far to celebrate with her. And she was indeed surprised but looked as beautiful and well dressed as when I first met her some 40 years ago.

The function was appropriately fabulous  as her children , grandchildren, friends, in laws  and other family, paid tribute to her for her kindness to everyone, love of family and her religious convictions which she translated into a way of life .

For the occasion, her eldest  child Dianna had flown in from Canada accompanied by her husband Donnie along with  Mrs. Williams' sister aunt Gladys and her grandson. Phillip and Monique who both live in  the USA were also there.  Unfortunately neither her grand daughter Michele and family who reside in Denver, her great grandson Shadrach who lives in New York nor daughters Amreita and Sally  who are in Arizonia and New York respectively, were able to attend as  but all sent their love and Michele sent a power point greeting which she enjoyed immensely.

Grandson Johnathon at the mike
The children and grandchildren really regaled her for the great influence she had on their lives and the love that she had showered on them while friends and in laws also showered praises on her for her generosity of spirit and good humour.

The guest of honour thanked everyone for the wonderful surprise and shared some of her secrets that had contributed to her long life and good health, the main ingredients being; never ever harbouring anger or malice against anyone and trusting  God always. It was her Catholic faith, she insisted which had been instrumental in helping her successfully raise a family of six children ,  many adoptions and allowed her to be able to assist so many other family members .

She really appreciated the framed print of the Sts. Peter and Paul church which the kids bought for her, for she is a staunch Catholic who attended that church regularly before she had difficulty getting around.  

Among those who attended the celebration were representatives from the Fun and Thrills riding group and persons from St.George's College old boys association. All  wished her good health and told  her that they were looking forward to celebrating the 100th birthday with her in 10 years time.

For more photos see; http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150746718271823.458687.763366822&type=3

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