Monday, April 23, 2012


When the Dutch built that over 200 mile wall to protect their colony, Guyana, from the fierce Atlantic ocean, they had no idea how important it would become three hundred years later.

For not only does it still provide well needed protection, as the country is below sea level, but also, today the sea wall is a welcome advertising billboard for businesses, a jogging trail for keep fit fanatics like myself, (it is about 4 feet wide) and a favourite lyming spot for all Guyanese on weekends. For in the early hours, the green verges are crowded with tents, food stalls and children rides for families to enjoy and in the nights after the kids have left, it becomes the hot spot for lovers. In fact, a Guyanese friend joked that he thought half of Guyana was conceived in the vicinity of the wall for it is almost every teenager's dream, to lose it there!
Vendors set up stalls by the wall

Eat you  heart out China for there is a great wall here too! 

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