Monday, May 14, 2012

Nothing but a contract

Boy Obana has certainly caused a lot of disquiet, especially in Jamaica, by his sanctioning of gay marriages.

The responses have been twofold here among heterosexuals. Among those who still want to love him although they are totally homophobic, they have taken the position that he is just a very good politician and  has taken the position to ensure that he gets the support of the powerful gay lobby, thus ensuring that he will garner some extra votes to help prevent him being a one term president. That group forgive him and still love him although they add that they hate hypocrisy in politics.

Then there are the rabid religious fanatics who are now declaring 'fire bun" on  him for turning America into Sodom and Gomorrah.

You know, I am no homsosexual, not because I took some decision as a teenager, but becauee my innate attraction was to the opposite sex. It came naturally, no sweat on my part. This is what convinces me that people do not voluntarily determine their sexual orientation.  Its just how nature determined things for them. Besides who would voluntarily choose to be a homosexual in a world where in most places it opens you up to ridicule and persecution? And to those who say that if that is the urge they have they should abstain . Why should they when heterosexuals don't?

That said, if they want to get married all power to them for what is marriage really? In my book, it is simply a contract that we make claiming it is because we are in love. And getting out of it is far more difficult than entering in it and it creates a lot of unnecessary expense and trauma, especially for children. So believe me, it is something I certainly plan to avoid when I reincarnate!

In the meantime, whomever wants to tie themselves up in that kind of contract, all power tothem.

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