Monday, June 25, 2012

That Colour Problem.

I don't know when the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) chose the colour green as its party's colour, but it is certainly causing nightmares for the Peoples National Party, its opponent and the  party which now forms government in Jamaica. (It won the election in December 2012.)

You see the dominant colour in the Jamaican flag is green! 

This silly colour problem seeped into the public sphere when the mayor of Montego BayJamaica's second  city, was being sworn in. For that was when some PNP cultists who were in charge of decorating the venue had such a serious problem with the dominant green in the flag, that they changed the backdrop, for they used the flag design, but put only the black and yellow!

Of course this caused a furor nationally and internationally and the foolish and lame excuse from the PNP Mayor did not help, since he claimed that they could not find any green material in Montego Bay, so that is why the backdrop was only in yellow and black!

As part two of our colour problem has emerged, it now surrounds the official song  to celebrate Jamaica's 50th anniversary as an independent nation.

Up to December 2011, the JLP had formed the government and they had started to put in place arrangements for a big bash in 2012 to celebrate the 50th. Among the plans left behind was an official song entitled 'Find the Flag" (in your heart and wave it.)

The  serious controversy was created when the new PNP government paid twice as much as it should have cost, to have another "official"song, "On a Mission" done.

 I had wondered what it was all about until I saw the music video for Fly the Flag, for there is an over-abundance of green in the video as hundreds of  flags are being waved.

This is what the poor PNP cannot deal with once again. It is also clear that they are on a mission to highlight yellow. You see, that is the official colour of the present Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller. For while the official PNP party colour is Orange, when Portia defended her leadership twice, all her paraphernalia was yellow and that  tends to be the dominant colour for them these days.

So when  you see the On a Mission print ads these days, the colour that blinds you is yellow! Poor idiots.

You know we have such petty politicians and their antics are really boring.

But when they seek to bring our important 50th Anniversary celebrations into disrepute over the stupid colour controversy, it is really moves from boring to pathetic. 

What have we done to deserve such idiots as our leaders?

But isn't the bible that says we get the leaders we deserve? I guess it means, we Jamaicans are really a bunch of idiots.
The Jamaican flag.

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