Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Working Behind the Scenes

I don't know what "working behind the scenes" means in other countries, but in Jamaica it is a cover for doing nothing. Check this.

On the 3rd April, the Gleaner carried a front page story about the Mayor of Kingston  and St. Andrew (KSAC) Angella Brown Burke being sworn in and it begun "Promises to tackle rats as first order of business...........
Anastasia Cunningham, News Coordinator
"As her first order of business, newly elected mayor of Kingston, Angela Brown-Burke says she would be working with the relevant agencies to undertake an intensive clean up campaign in the municipality, as well as implement a permanent solution to the problem of rodent infestation. " However, on the 12th September on page 2, the same Gleaner carried a story about the Supreme Court of Jamaica  which is located in the heart of downtown being overtaken by rats!!!
On the 23rd August, Arthur Hall of the Gleaner, wanting to find out why the KSAC was so silent, interviewed the mayor and guess what she said?
"I'm one of those persons who likes to talk about things when they are almost done because there has been so much talk and so many announcements that people have become cynical," said Brown Burke.
"So part of what I want to do is the behind-the-scenes work and talk with our partners ... to have the kind of discussions that get us somewhere," she added.
Another politician who likes to tell us that her silence is due to them fact that she is also working behind the scenes,  is  Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller. 
I wonder what her exposure will be about?

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