Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bob Marley Beach

Today I discovered Bob Marley Beach. Oh yes, it has been around for a long time and lots of people knew about it, but I discovered it today. Discovered  it like how Columbus discovered Jamaica,  America etc. Lots of people have a problem with the statement about Columbus discovering far flung lands as they correctly ascertain that there were other people living in those lands when Columbus got there. But the dictionary  meaning of discover includes " see, get knowledge of, learn of, find, or find out;......" so he did indeed discover these lands. So I too discovered Bob Marley beach.

It is  located in St. Thomas just pass the police station in Bull Bay. Charles Simpson discovered it before we did and he took us there this morning after the ride and breakfast. We were scouting it out for a ride next Saturday and luckily I was able to borrow a bathing suit from Betty for I would have had a fit if I did not have the opportunity to swim.

In terms of South eastern St. Thomas beaches, it is by far the best I have ever seen. To begin with it, it was calm and unlike those around Copa and Brooks Park etc it was not rough and does not have a current. Also, unlike th beaches along that strip, it is really shallow, no moving from 2 feet to 6 feet drops immediately like those other beaches.

Down there  you see quite as few fishing boats and fishermen who are ready to cater meals. Best thing though, they have bathrooms and wash off facilities for a  small fee. When I asked how I could "capture" some land around there, I was told that the area is actually owned by a Mr. Chin who  they say was a contemporary of Bob Marley  (so am I!) and they claim he has papers and has done surveys in the area. I still think it looks like government land and a public fisherman's beach but who am I to start contradicting those whom live there and are making a living from the sea!

Anyway, next week we will be riding there, having breakfast and swimming in those clean, calm,unpolluted waters and hopefully I will have pictures to post to show the world my latest discovery.

Eat your heart out Columbus for I too am in the discovering business!~

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