Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Stopped In Their Tracks.

Thank god, the majority of American voters are sensible people and have returned Obama to power. This has put a stop to the possibly of the evil, chauvinistic philosophy and dogma as espoused by powerful white republican males, germinating within the society.

And their dogma was not only a serious threat to women but also to all minorities. Imagine living in a society where there is such a thing as "legal rape" and forcing women to have children conceived by rape while claiming that such a child is  "a gift from god!"

It sure was a close call.


  1. I hear that Romney wanted to put controls on money transfer
    agencies (Western Union, etc) because they facilitate the
    movement of our US$ to people in other countries.

    As in the pre-election call to Cornwall College Old Boys: :
    All of you in the USA mek sure you vote because we don't
    want any Marman in the Black House".


  2. The comment above was made by Barry. He complained he was having difficulty posting comments and sent it directly to me.

  3. Next time I'll put something more profound if it's gonna cause so much trouble.
