Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Close Call

Phew. That was a close shave at around 10 this morning. Here I was enjoying an exhilarating ride down Shortwood road and as I started going through the green light at 4 roads, this jackass is a red susuki swift made a right turn into Barbican Road, right in front of me  nearly outing my lights!
Only good breaks and the grace of God saved me. The idiot ended up having to make a sharp turn which put her face to face with the oncoming traffic on Barbican Road. I hope she heard the expletives I shouted  at her!

A Charah Watson photo
And to think it had been such a great morning up to that point for I had ridden out at 6am to meet up with my amigos from Fun and Thrills in Manor park where some were marshaling a 5 k . I had signed up to walk.

Actually this is the first time I have ever walked in a 5 k. Chuck and Charles set a great pace but by the time we got to Norbrook Road, Charles had  had turned on the turbo and left us way behind so Chuck and I walked together after that.

Chuck said we were walking at about 4 miles an hour. (back off tortoises!) We had done a lot of warm ups at the training camp and actually I felt quite good after the walk. I think I will leave marshaling behind with 2012 and continue walking in these events.

After the event we went to Lisa's home for a great breakfast and wonderful hospitality. Between walkers, runners (Maurice, Howard, Bernadette, Kim , Lisa and Charlene, all ran) and marshals, we had a turnout of in excess of 30 persons.

Great camaraderie as usual.

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