Saturday, January 12, 2013

No More "Pathole" For Me.

Enjoying the cool clear water at Bob Marley beach

If you have never heard of Fire Saga, you should shortly, as he says he will soon "buss out". I met him at Bob Marley beach this morning as he regaled all who were there with his latest CD.

I was actually the first rider to get there this morning because of a mix up in communication. The plan that I heard was that we would ride out from Charles' at 6.30 am but when I got there, everyone had left to go to a 5k at the airport. So I rode around to Michael and discovered that Alrick, Omar, Gary and Marlon had also been left out of the loop.

Omar and Alrick 
went riding to Jack's Hill and  I started out with Marlon and Gary for the beach.  That was when I was exposed to the civilized manner of warning riders behind of pitfalls like potholes in the road. Gary and Marlon have ridden professionally and they simply use hand signals when they see some danger in the road. We, the bhuttos of Fun and Thrills  normally simply shout out "pathole". 

Maybe we will all become sophisticated  one day and use our hands too instead of distorting the poor pothole!
Anyway, on the way out, Gary and Marlon ran into an old colleague of theirs. His name is Troy and he rode with me for a while on Michael Manley Boulevard. He says he is a stunt rider on both bicycles and motorcycles. I would like to see him in action. After a while I could see he was itching to go race the others and I was riding slowly so I assured him,  I would be ok by myself.

I never saw them again until they arrived at the beach later. By then I already had my first swim and breakfast.

Charles Simpsonsoon joined me for he too had been screwed up information wise and he had ridden all the way up Mountain View avenue to meet us going to the beach,  so of course he ended up riding by himself both ways.The others filtered in close to 9 am and soon the sea was full.

 Ann Marie who had come with Desiree, thought she lost her gold earrings which she had left on a towel on a table on the beach and lots of people spent a good deal of time looking for them. It so happens some perceptive person had seen it on the towel and decided it was not safe so wrapped it in Maurice's socks and put it safely in his shoes. Then not to be left out, Chully started searching frantically for his towel in which his glasses had been wrapped up and left on the same table. Eventually he found his glasses on the table but his towel was never to be seen again. Apparently someone had mistakenly taken his towel and left a nicer, newer one for him, so he ended up being better off.
The beach was not its usual calm self as it had quite a current. Charles Simpson who lives nearby told us they have been having unusually high winds, up to 30 mph sometimes he thought, in the early morning so that could account for the roughness, erosion near the shore and signs of dirt in the water.

It was Jordan's birthday today so Betty brought along a lovely chocolate cake. Betty always rises to the occasion.

Penny and the kids joined us later and although she says she is going in to have the baby on the 5th February both Chully (who has a world of experience with babies) and I told her we see it in the stars for this month.

As usual a number of riders encouraged by Maurice,  decided they needed to ride back. We passed the first set by the Harbour View Round about . Johann who had left out last, was way ahead on Windward road and when we started up Mountain View Avenue, we saw Marlon and Gary in front.

Although the sea was not its usual calm and clear self, I still had fun in the water after a nice ride out.

Photos; compliments of Ms. Elizabeth Williams

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