Monday, March 11, 2013

Only In Jamaica

I often complain in my blog about the terrible things that happen here, so why am I still here?

Because not only is Jamaica the most beautiful country I have ever seen, but also,  there are no people like us, for when wi bad wi bad, but when wi good we darn good and beyond comparison.

Take this great gesture I saw this morning.

While our bus drivers are among the worse in the world,  this morning, I  saw a bus stop on the left side of the road and the conductor got out, crossed the road, said something to a lady then held a lady's hand and escorted her safely across the road to the bus!

I have no doubt that he was thinking of getting an extra fare when he did that, but he could have gotten
an extra fare elsewhere so there was much more to this action than sheer desire to make some money.

Where  else but in Jamaica would you see such a wonderful  spontaneous act by an employee?

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