Monday, April 29, 2013

Ineffective M.P's and Sloppy Work

I often  have to wonder whether it is worse to have to live with a useless and ineffective Member of Parliament (MP)or government agencies which put out the sloppiest of work, while we taxpayers are continually being forced to pay increased rates.

For decades, the residents of Bedford Park have had to put up the with the total lack of support and representation from  "representative" Delroy Chuck and his equally ineffective councilor as the area depreciates as a result of the KSAC refusing to stop the illegal commercialisation which has caused the roads to deteriorate rapidly as they were not built to deal with commercial activity.

In fact, I say without any fear of contradiction  that no work have ever been done on any of the roads in the area since Douglas Vaz retired as MP for that area almost twenty years ago.

Our frustration with the lack of activity by the representative has certainly given strength to the argument of those who lobby for term limits for representatives, for when you see the total transformation of the roads in for example, Mona, since the new representative Andre Hylton took over, it gives you good reason to argue that there is a chronic need new blood in  many  constituencies! And don't tell me about voting out ineffective MP's for that certainly does not work where you are surrounded by a large garrison where the majority would never dream of  voting on issues!

Anyway, despite our total disgust with Mr. Chuck and his councilor, it was with  a sigh of "Better late than never"  that a National Work's Agency crew was welcomed into the community last Monday.

They arrived with their impressive piece of equipment (Remember Mr. Pickersgill's Jamaica will be pothole free by 2003?" when they spent millions to acquire those machines twenty wears ago?)
and started  at the bottom of the longer road , doing  a slap dash  job of patching some potholes while leaving many little potholes that would soon become big gullies, undone.
An example of how NWA patches, leaving little potholes behind to become big potholes!

Then tragedy of tragedies, it rained, so they left the job!

 The next day they returned and this time they started patching at the top of the road?

While we were left wondering about this patching strategy,  all was soon revealed, for they never came back, leaving the middle section undone and that has always been the absolutely worst part of the road! 

I suppose that until the citizens rise up and do what has to be done to get action and proper services from the public sector, "representational" politics and value for money will remain nothing but a pipe dream, in Jamaica.


  1. I agree that Andre Hylton is a positive and hard-working MP. Chuck's councillor for your area is Winston Ennis but both MP and councillor concentrate all their efforts in Grants Pen.

  2. Yup. Grants Pen is one big garrison for him
