Monday, April 22, 2013

Never Assume

I have been familiar with peacocks all my life and all I have ever seen them doing is preening themselves and showing off  while moving very slowly and deliberately so you are forced to  notice them. So I have over the years, assumed without ever looking into it, that a peacock though absolutely beautiful, is  a flightless bird like the penguin or ostrich.

Recently I was walking on  the road in Salem, St. Ann and hearing some strange sounds above, looked up curiously, only to see a pair of peacocks comfortably lounging on a light post and conversing with one another, very loudly.

That really gave me a rude awakening and a stark reminder of the wisdom my grandmother tried to drum into my head for years with these words;  "Never assume anything, for assume  really means means making an ass of you and me."

Yup. No matter how old I get, I  am always reminded that life is all about living and learning new things every day.

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