Tuesday, May 14, 2013

As the World Turns.... Homosexuality in Cuba

I could not believe my ears on hearing a  recent BBC report which stated in part that "Cuban gay rights campaigner Mariela Castro has led a protest march against homophobia in the capital Havana.
Ms Castro is the head of Cuba's National Sexual Education Centre - and daughter of President Raul Castro."

 Gay rights in Cuba? Isn't this the same country where  in the 60's and under Ms. Castro's uncle Fidel, homosexuals were sent to re education camps?

Anyway, what the heck, that was over 40 years ago and Fidel is no longer in charge so I guess progress will have to come.

While I have no problem with gays having rights like anyone else, in my book , there are more basic rights that need to be respected in Cuba and these have nothing to do with the bedroom.

Like the right to vote for your leaders and the right to freedom of expression. I wonder why Ms. Castro has put bedroom rights ahead of  these most basic rights? After all, she is obviously a very influential person in Cuba and her father will no doubt be swayed by her views?

It certainly gives us a good idea of where Ms. Castro priorities lie!

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